Our CEO, Marcus Brown will be taking at part of the prestigious hashtag
#OBESummit2024, the main Italian event in Branded Entertainment.
This year’s Summit will focus on how branded entrtainment can help promote a more open and tolerant view of the world. ‘With great power comes great responsibility’ as the programme’s agenda rightly points out. We’re already very excited to be a part of the programme.
🗓 Thursday, September 5, 2024
📍 Conservatorio di Musica "Giuseppe Verdi", Via Conservatorio 12, Milan
Don't miss the session with Marcus Elliott Brown, Founder & CEO The Great Pitch Company and Fiorella Passoni (CEO Edelman Italia): ‘Culture & Business: Success Factors in The Communication Market’.
Find out more 👉 https://summit2024.osservatoriobe.com/
